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Mental Health Resources 

Beyond Blue is a mental health organisation  which aiims to  provide people wth iinformation to assist Australians to acheive the best  mental health available. It aims to help people wth depression, anxiiety and other mental health issues, and to prevent suicide Dr Ian Sherman highly recommends the work of Beyond Blue..
Lifeline is a charity which provides 24/7 mental health support to prevent suicide and assist Australians in crisis. Dr Ian Sherman heavily endorses the work of Lifeline.
The Black Dog Institute is one of Australia's major mental healh organisations. It is involved in sophisticated research iinto mental health and mental disorders. The goal is to improve mental health outcomes and prevent suicide.
Headspace is a mental hhealth foundation specifically aiimed at helping young people get help with their mental health issues. Dr Ian Sherman  heavily endorses the great work done by  headspace to help young peoplee struggling with mental health issues.
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The ABC Mental Health website has excellent information about mental health issues , particularly issues which affect ordinary Australiains. Dr Ian Sherman highly recommends this website for up to date information about current issues in the new about mental health.
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SBS Health has interesting articules about current issues concerning mental health issues. Dr Ian Sherman hightly recommends this website.
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This is a government website  highly recommended by Dr ian Sherman which provides large amounts of information about health issues and also provides a way for doctors and the public to search for medical and allied professionals



 02 8021 1260





Suite 304, Level 3, 35 Spring St

Bondi Junction 2022

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